
1) How would he get rid of a boot sector virus?

1) How would he turn off the wifi since it's built into the computer?

3) Have you ever heard of a "BCD" virus? I don't know where he got the name but asked me to ask about it.

This virus seems to take over his machine, create virtual servers, and I don't know what all else. I'm beginning to rue the day I bought the computer!!

Thanks in advance -- again!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Reid Katan" <>
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 3:24 PM

Quoting Gail Miller <>:

My son has a new Dell Mini10 that seems to have a fatal virus.

Other than he thinks he has a virus, and he reinstalled Windows, you haven't given much to go on.

If he *does* have a virus that keeps reappearing, it might be a boot sector virus that a simple format might not get rid of (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

If someone on his insecure network has a virus, and he connects to it before he's got protection installed, well, then it's (probably) already too late. Have him turn off his WiFi before going through the procedure next time.

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