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Harijs Buss wrote:
> On Monday 17 November 2003 02:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>I guess you have mdkkdm. Use Mandrake Control Center->Hardware->Login
>>Manager (or similar) to change this. (This is a change from 9.0->9.1)
> Nope. Look, Buchan, even you didn't remember it right;

Actually I do, that is the way it is on 9.1 ;-).

 what to speak about us
> mortals...  For some unknown reason the way how to do this is Mandrake
> Control Center -> System -> Choose the Display Manager.  Why this Login
> Window is called Display Manager there, is beyond my understanding.

Technically, that is the correct term. KDE's terminology is wrong (and
why do they call it kdm and not klm?).

> I for
> sure wouldn't find it myself in a lifetime but somebody told me on
some list
> (don't remember, maybe even here on Cooker). This is _so_ confusing,
> specially because everything other related to this login window is
> on KDE Control Center -> System -> Login Manager.

Well, you need to choose which display manager you use (in MCC), and
after that you use the tools for the display manager to configure it.
Just like you choose KDE/GNOME at login time, and use their tools to
configure it.

> The Mighty Ones at
> Mandrake could IMHO at least put the same name in MCC, to make it a
bit more
> understandable:  Mandrake Control Center -> System -> Choose Login
> Certainly putting some more understandable icon for it could help as
> instead of quite cryptic traffic lights (!) like now.

IMHO KDE is wrong, Mandrake is using the correct term.

>>I can't make out what the user is doing here.
>>kcontrol->Administration->Login Mangager? I am sure this works.
> Changing type of kdm now in 9.2 leads to following actions: if user
> he allows to re-start kdm, current KDE session is abruptly terminated
> (without any warning to save your job etc.), X are terminated as well and
> user finds himself in black textmode fullscreen with login prompt.
> many of new users do not even know they can start graphic GUI again with
> startx, and are scared up to point of re-installing or something.

Well, actually they should restart the dm service. Something broke in 9.2.

>  Yeah,
> maybe somebody should at least make red light glowing brightly on traffic
> light icon leading to change of kdm... :-)


>>It seems the user has some X configuration issue.
> Nope. This seems to me being principal issue of how new things are
> in MDK nowadays: somebody likes new thing better and wishfully thinks
> everybody will.  It gets never (or too less) tested how the user might
> back the _old_ feature, and the procedure itself is often cryptic or even
> non-existant (like you can not avoid installing of bootsplash anymore).
> Nevertheless most people are quite conservative and for some reason
want back
> things like they are used to. I for example wanted back correct hostname
> displayed on Login Screen, _and_ the clock ticking there ;-)

Well, AFAIK, 9.2 defaults to kdm, not mdkkdm (which had some issues, but
these were apparently corrected by updates).

The initial change to mdkkdm was in 9.1, and it didn't have the problem
with the dm not restarting properly.

Since kdm is the default (at least on new installs, and AFAIK), you
should by default be able to get your hostname and clock back.

So, I think your analysis isn't totally correct.


- --
|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x202
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