Okay, the "Pragmatic look at our CSS future" thread has me thinking. So, if I 
want to make my sites pixel perfect in IE6, where do I even go to learn all 
that. It seems like it's an artform in it's self. Not only must you know CSS 
inside-and-out by itself, but you have to know all the inadequacies of IE6 and 
how it will interpret your standards compliant code, then you have to know the 
fixes. If you don't already know this, and haven't been working for IE6 since 
it was out, it seems really difficult. And I like challenges, learning new 
things is great, but it seems silly for me to teach myself how to break my code 
for IE6 when in a couple years it might be a pointless knowledge to have.

So, the answers I'm looking for are, where should I go to learn howe to get my 
site right in IE6? 

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