Hi David! Thanks for the reply and help, I really appreciate it. :)

On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 11:05 PM, David Laakso <laakso.davi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You might consider using a CSS Table. Its not a table in the
> traditional sense... but looks and behaves like one. The columns can
> be both equal height and width and will work well with media
> queries....

Awesome tip! I have only played with CSS table syntax a few times for
an iPhone-specific app. I'll have to investigate using that syntax
again for my latest project.

> Please see article by Georg Sortun here:
> <http://www.gunlaug.com/contents/music/sisgs-12.html>

Ack, did I miss info on tables via that article? I did a quick search:


... and I see several articles, but was there one in particular you
wanted me to see?

Thanks again David! Have a nice day. :)

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