On Apr 25, 2012, at 9:23 AM, Micky Hulse wrote:

> Could anyone point me towards an example of an evenly split
> multi-column (4+) fluid layout?
> I have a fixed-width container that varies its width using media
> queries... I would like to see if I can put a row with multiple
> columns inside this container and have the row/columns expand to fit
> the area (evenly).
> Is there a simple way to do this? I would prefer to use CSS2 for the
> sake of older browsers.

Maybe I'm not understanding the question, but that sound rather trivial:

div { width: 90%; } /* replace 90% with value in px, em, whatever you want to 
use */
div > div { width: 24.95%; float: left; } /* assuming 4 columns */



If that is not what you're asking, put a skeleton page up somewhere, or a 
sketch, or something…

Philippe Wittenbergh

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