Hi Philippe, thank you for the help!

On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Philippe Wittenbergh <e...@l-c-n.com> wrote:
> div { width: 90%; } /* replace 90% with value in px, em, whatever you want to 
> use */
> ...<snip>...
> If that is not what you're asking, put a skeleton page up somewhere, or a 
> sketch, or something…

Thanks for the code sample! That's very close to what I am looking for.

Is it possible to do margins between columns using percentage values?
Or, would you recommend using right/left padding/margins on the
content within the columns (i.e. to simulate margins between columns)?

Also, just in case others are interested in this topic, someone
emailed me these links off-list:




Nice example of flexible fluid cols that can be infinitely nested.

Note: The OOCSS grids demo relies upon padding/margins of the content
within the columns to create spacing between cols.

> Maybe I'm not understanding the question, but that sound rather trivial:

Hehe, sorry to ask a trivial question... I guess I was stuck/fixating
on the margin between columns; sorry if in my original question I did
not make that clear. :)

TBH, I've been doing floated/fixed-width layouts for so long... My
fluid width layout skills are very rusty.

Thanks again!!!

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