Hi Barney! Thanks again for your help! It's much appreciated.

On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 6:20 PM, Barney Carroll
<barney.carr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I always forget that a reply on this list won't reply to the list. Sorry. As

Oh, no worries! I do that sometimes also. :D

> for margins with columns, I think the best idea is to create children
> wrappers within the columns and give them margins — the parent wrapper has
> the proportional width relative to the parent, while the child has a set
> margin, say 1em. A key part of Nicole's philosophy with OOCSS is that you
> shouldn't try to overload potentially conflicting properties on the same
> element.

Great advice! I now plan on doing this (no margins between cols). Thanks!

(I'm so used to having margins between my fixed width floated
layouts... In this case, like you say, it makes more sense having a
wrapper div with padding or margin.)

> For an example of OOCSS grids applying columns conditionally via media
> queries, you might want to check out my site (and the CV linked within it):
> barneycarroll.com ; both feature layouts that on a wide screen benefit from
> side-by-side info, but read sequentially top-to-bottom if the screen isn't
> wide enough to elegantly display that text horizontally stacked. Try
> resizing the browser window and looking at the CSS.

Oooooh, I really dig your site! Very clean and fresh looking. The page
transition is really cool and I love your link style on hover. You
have an impressive sense of design. :D

Additionally, I really dig the fluidity and responsiveness of your
overall layout. Nice work dude! :: drooling ::

Looks like I will be spending the next few hours dissecting your code! :D

Thanks again for the help (and inspiration)!!!

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