-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site and thought you should 
see it.

Note from Euphorian:

A taste of the "Romantic" "Commando"

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site, go 
to http://www.observer.co.uk

War is the only option
A former winner of the Nobel peace prize says we must stop Saddam's killing machine

Observer special: Iraq
Elie Wiesel
Saturday December 21 2002
The Guardian

Since the unanimous resolution of the UN Security Council, the world has lived in 
anguish, anticipating an event that would profoundly affect the course of affairs in 
the Middle East.

Will a war on Iraq, which Washington and London have advocated from the beginning, 
finally take place? And if it does, will it be justified? If UN arms inspectors come 
home with nothing to report, can we trust that Saddam Hussein has truly granted them 
the freedom to do their jobs? Or is Saddam a liar, concealing chemical, biological or 
nuclear weapons capable of devastating entire regions?

These are crucial questions, as troubling as they are complex. Impossible to resolve, 
but also impossible to circumvent.

Saddam almost certainly harbours deadly arsenals. Ideally, the international 
inspectors would uncover and then destroy the weapons that are putting many other 
countries in danger, not only Israel. But what if Iraqi hiding places turn out to be 
too deep, too well   concealed? The weapons may be buried in hospital basements and 
cemeteries, and plants may be operating in presidential palaces. Do the inspectors 
have adequate tools to discover them?

Few intelligence specialists doubt that Saddam would be ready to use weapons of mass 
destruction. His mentality, his temperament and his past are well known: Killing a 
great number of human beings would not concern him. He proved that at the end of the 
1980s, when he ordered the slaughter by gas of thousands of his own citizens.

In truth, that was the time for the leaders of civilised nations to raise their voices 
and condemn Saddam in the name of the world's conscience, plainly and clearly, for 
crimes against humanity. But for purely political reasons, they did not: At the time, 
Saddam was the enemy of Iran, which was the enemy of the United States and its allies. 
So he was handled carefully - while his regime grew ever stronger.

Will Saddam hesitate before using the same murderous tactics he has already proved 
himself capable of? Will he fear international reaction? It is possible. But it is 
also possible that he will be shrewd enough to exploit the stand-off between the US 
and the UN. Then time will be on his side. And when all is said and done, he will be 
the one to decide when, against whom and where to launch his missiles bearing poison 
and death.

This is the worst scenario of all.   Because numerous lives are at stake. The lives of 
Israelis, Americans and, of course, Iraqis. Tens of thousands. Therefore one thing is 
obvious: we must do everything possible to prevent Saddam from using his weapons.

Does this mean war? Not necessarily. Since our intelligence services, which seem to be 
well informed, know where the plants in question are located (at least, I hope so), I 
am naïve enough to believe that a kind of James Bond operation would be best.

I imagine American, British and Israeli commandos, the best trained in the world, 
would one night parachute into Iraq. They would destroy all the missile bases and 
centres for weapons production and set out again at dawn, if possible, without killing 
a single Iraqi.

Am I too romantic? Why wouldn't I   be? After all, I am also a novelist. Only I must 
admit that the military professionals to whom I proposed my plan did not find it very 
realistic. And the fact that I know nothing about war strategies did not strengthen my 

So where are we going? If all the roads to peaceful resolution are closed and 
therefore any attempts at negotiation are doomed to failure, and if Saddam sends the 
inspectors back empty-handed, vanquished and ridiculed, will only war bring the 
desired solution?

I find war repugnant. All wars. I know war's monstrous aspects: blood and corpses 
everywhere, hungry refugees, devastated cities, orphans in tears and houses in ruins. 
I find no beauty in it. But it is with a heavy heart I ask this: what is to be done? 
Do we have the right not to intervene, when we know what passivity and appeasement 
will make possible?

Is President Bush's policy of intervention the best response to an imperative need? 
Yes, it is said, and I am reluctant to say anything else. Bush's goal is to prevent 
the deadliest biological or nuclear conflict in modern history.

If the US, supported by the UN Security Council, is forced to intervene, it will save 
victims who are already targeted, already menaced. And it will win. The US owes it to 
us, and owes it to future generations. As the great French writer André Malraux 
said, victory belongs to those who make war without loving it.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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