-Caveat Lector-

nessie wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> >>I wish to avert that violence because I live in this society, and  I
> don't want to go down with it.
> If you think you can avert violence by not being ready to counter it, you
> are a fool. Violence is part of life; it is NOT going away just because
> some people wish it to. Violence has been part of life since the first
> aomeba ate the first protazoa; get used to it.

I may be more used to it than you. I grew up and worked in the
neighborhoods in NYC. I was on the receiving end of a major war.

> Violence is not evil.
> Violence is not good. Violence just is.

Not at all. Violence is failure. The only justification for violence
self defense. Real self defense not your paranoid fantasies of a
that may or may not happen.

> To equate the knee to a rapists
> crotch with the sap in a mugger's hand is an infantile thought process.
> That's kidthink. Grow up. Violence is like weather. Sometimes it's sunny.
> Sometimes it rains. When it rains do we hide in the house? No, we carry an
> umbrella and go on about our life.

This is idiotic. Get yourself together.

> >How many more people will kill each other with guns just so you can feel
> ideologically correct? 1000? 10,000? How many?
> And how many unarmed women will be raped so YOU can feel ideologically
> correct? How many frail elders will be murdered in their beds? For that
> matter, how many high school kids will die like the kids at Littleton
> died, waiting in vain while four, count 'em, FOUR SWATs hid outside behind
> armored trucks, waiting for the the perps to kill themselves and then
> waiting two and a half hours MORE before they dared to  poke their
> cowardly pig snouts in the door?

Those kids should NOT have been able to get guns. Then it is
that the police are useless.

> 911 is a joke. When trouble strikes, ready or not, we're on our own. Ready
> is better.


> >I'm not threatening revolution. I am saying that the natural outcome of
> Capitalism is concentration of wealth. The natural outcome of the
> concentration of wealth is poverty for most people. The natural outcome of
> poverty is social disintegration. The natural outcome of social
> disintegration
> is dictatorship. And the natural outcome of dictatorship is revolution.
> "An unarmed people are slaves, or subject to slavery at any time." --
> Malcolm X

So what's you point gun looney? Blacks have guns. Plenty of guns. Are
they defending themselves from the government? From cops? Hell no.
they are killing each other in droves. Same for hispanics, and Asians
in certain areas. The immediate problem is access to guns. Not a
Government too busy helping Wall Street rob the world.

> >> I am telling you that your philosophy will end in violence.
> And I'm telling you that YOUR philosophy will end in slavery.

And it is better to live as a slave, than to die as a gun nut. Slaves
free sooner or later.If you don't agree with my statement, then put
pistol where your mouth is.
Show me how dedicated you really are to the 2nd A. When the ATF comes
your piece, tell them " over my dead body." Prove Darwin right.

> >>I don't want ANY of these things to come about. But any fool can see
> that those situations would be infinitely more deadly if they occurred in
> a country with free access to millions of guns.
> And any fool SHOULD be able to see what would becoume of us if we lived in
> a country where only the government had guns.

There are many countries where the population doesn't have access to
and they do very nicely. By golly !

> But I guess not.

It's coming. Just a few more massacres. Bye bye Smith & Wesson.


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