-Caveat Lector-

On 1 Nov 99, at 11:57, Tatman, Robert wrote:

> Should've remembered Cyrus Gordon. I've read Graves at length; while a lot
> of his interpretations try a little too hard to see echoes of
> Völkerwanderungen and dynastic upheavals, much of his analysis is borne
> out by more "reputable" scholars such as Marija Gimbutas and William F.
> Albright, "the father of Palestinian archaeology".

Marija Gimbutas had to wait until after retirement to publish her
books about The Goddess. Had she published earlier, she would
certainly have risked academic ostracism.

Back in the 70s, I merely mentioned Ellizabeth Gould Davis' book,
"The First Sex" at a gathering that included many academic
women and was greeted by howls of laughter and much sneering.
After all, Davis, in the first chapter of her book, mentions Atlantis,
Fer Gawd's Sake. How could anyone take this Florida librarian
(who documented almost every word she said in her extensive
bibliography) seriously.



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