Anthony Thyssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I hated not being about to specify where everything should be placed.
> ... I definatally do not want to loose this.

We've lost this a long time ago, when applications started to use GTK
instead of X.

> DO NOT run gnome-session  directly!!!

Yes, tried that for a while. Turned out to be a bit hairy (although it
seems that you got further that I did). I finally decided to go with
Gnome, instead of trying to keep struggling against it.

> ... Though in some cases gnome-session locks up during its start up
> looking for a complient window mamanger.

That happened with me all the time :(. 

> Probably will nto be a problem with "openbox"

Indeed. OpenBox is a compliant window manager.

> 'xwininfo' ... 'xwit' ...

Yes, there's more than one way to do it.

> In CTwm I could also use xprop  to re-define which workspace a window
> is being displayed on.
>     xprop -id $id -f WM_OCCUPATION 8s -set 'WM_OCCUPATION'  DeltaWS
> I have a feeling "openbox" would not allow this!

No, but devilspie does. This is my jpilot.ds:

    ( if ( and ( matches ( window_name ) "J-Pilot .* User: .*" )
               ( is ( application_name ) "jpilot" )
         ( begin
           ( set_workspace 4)
           ( geometry "798x1169+0+6" )

> Do you have any idea about how I can tell when gnome is finished
> processing, or stop it resetting resources?

See above. Actually, gnome-session never finishes, it stays resident
until the session terminates.

> ASIDE: I'd also love it if something like "xbindkeys" could do a
> 'event->multi-events' type mapping, but I have yet to see something like
> that.  With that I could then press a function key and have my email, or
> web site typed in into browser windows, and not just XTERMs.


-- Johan

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