At 11:08 -1000 7/22/00, Reese wrote:
>At 06:44 PM 21/07/00 -0700, Kristen Tsolis wrote:
><snip of long, carefully read address on Aum Shinrikyo and PSIA
>>But that does not necessarily warrant the wide-scale surveillance of all Aum
>>members or the activities of the PSIA.
>I don't want to sound statist.
>I fail to see how a homogenous group of sarin-gas-dispersing 
>individuals should be given a clean bill of health just because they 
>adopted a new corporate name.

Because the guilty parties have been found and presumably punished 
for the illegal actions.  To put it more specifically, the 
sarin-gas-dispersing individuals are presumed to have been found and 
subsequently removed from the organization.  Mere membership in an 
organization is not/should not be a crime

>Had they disbanded, and were all former members subject to such 
>surveillance, I might feel differently.

Oh?  How long do they have to be under surveillance before they 
regain the right to innocent until proven guilty?

Kevin "The Cubbie" Elliott 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                             ICQ#23758827
"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both 
instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly 
unchanged.  And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware 
of change in the air--however slight--lest we become unwitting 
victims of the darkness."
-- Justice William O. Douglas

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