[ Please don't Cc:me ]

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 11:29:14PM +0200, Abou Al Montacir wrote:
> Can you please explain to me how do you understand the following statements in
> the DSC?

Of course I can.

>    3. We will not hide problems [...]

This means the BTS is visible to everybody, even anonymously.
In other words, the BTS is not facebook, it's the old good open web.

It does not mean anybody has the right to decide on what bug I will be
working tomorrow, because we are an organization made by volunteers.

> 4. Our priorities are our users and free software [...]

This means a lot of things. One of them is that we don't boycott the
use of Debian with non-free software.

But similarly to point 3, this one does not mean anybody has the right
to decide on what bug I will be working tomorrow, because we are still
an organization made by volunteers.

> For me these are the most valuable rules in this project, but unfortunately I
> see that more and more new contributers ignore them.

You mean new contributors like Russ or myself?

> I feel that this d-d list becomes more political than technical and this is
> something making me more and more sad. I did love this project and gave it my
> time, but feel more and more frustrated each time I read this list.

There was a time in which newly uploaded packages were announced here,
in -devel. If you miss such technical content I recommend that you
read debian-bugs-rc or debian-devel-changes instead, those ones are
really fun to read.


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