Anton Gladky writes ("Re: MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement"):
> Thanks Ian for clarifying. I am discussing with
> OpenPilot-upstream possible solutions to solve
> the issue.
> The package without firmware is not quite useful.

All of the supported hardware has chips which require the problematic
ST code ?  How unfortunate.

> So we will try to provide an option to download it
> from external site, if it is technically and legally
> possible.

>From Debian's point of view, that would mean your package couldn't be
in main, anyway.

To be honest, if the package is not useful without the non-free
firmware, you might as well put the whole thing in non-free.  If you
split it up the the non-ST parts could be contrib.

IMO it would be better to have the whole thing in non-free, than to
have an automatic downloader in contrib.  Automatic downloaders are
very much a last resort.


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