> Since it is accepted for the R packages and the data are refering
> to R data I do not see any reason why this should not be accepted.

I traced back from Rdatasets to the original R packages.

Every one of the packages are licensed as some combination of GPL-2 and

However it's likely that some of the datasets are not copyrightable.

Here's my badly formatted notes of the name of the dataset
and the link to the R package documentation, and what GPL license it's
available under.

How should this be formatted to be shipped with Debian?


Does it go in README.source? or in upstream/metadata? or something

I could also ask one of the campus librarians to help review the
datasets to determine if they should or shouldn't be copyrightable.

My current WIP patch for the documentation is here:
The Debian copyright file still needs to be updated, and the citations
need to be listed.



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