> Is there a Debian package that displays the temp?  Maybe I should keep
> my eye on that too.  

I don't know about a deb, but I compiled lm_sensors-2.3.4 from source and then
installed procmeter3-3.2 from source, as well - and now have a procmeter which
displays my system (board thermistor) temp as well as both my CPU temps. This is
board dependent (I'm using an Abit BP6) - but most new ones have some sort of
environmental monitoring on them...

Head over to http://www.netroedge.com/~lm78/ to check out what kind of
potential you have.

There might be a frozen package, but I'm risk averse and am waiting for the
real thing (stable Potato).

> I thought I had heard of the Netscape/Java freeze problem
> before.  Any ideas on fix and/or where the problem
> is coming from?  I think I'm now having the same
> problem while running Star Office too.

I hadn't heard anything about this, but then again I wasn't listening for it...
Actually, I just upgraded Navigator to 4.7 last night (found a deb), and had
the same sort of lockup as I had had with 4.6. So, that /almost/ rules that
out, but not quite.



26-Apr-00 - 11:11:07

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