on 4/26/00 2:13 PM, chris horn. at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The hardware is brand new (August 1999), and top quality. I haven't had any
> trouble with it until lately, really...
> Abit BP6
> Dual Celeron 400 (not o/c)

Were you aware that there is a mailing list (linux-abit) dedicated to
hardware lock-ups with this mobo? It's been a fairly difficult bug to track
down, but some people are reporting success with the most recent BIOS update
released by Abit (version is QQ, I believe).

I don't have any of the URLs handy, but Google should.

Good luck,

           [ John S Jacobs Anderson ]------><URL:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[ Genehack: Not your daddy's weblog ]------><URL:http://genehack.org>

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