On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, chris horn. wrote:

> > Assuming that a software problem would leave clues in the logs or be
> > predictable, and a peripheral problem (i.e., the HDD) would give
> > symptoms first....  Try testing the memory (hwtools pkg), checking for
> > overheating (take the cover off and point a fan at the motherboard), or
> > checking the power supply (remove it and take it into an electronics
> > shop). 
> The hardware is brand new (August 1999), and top quality. I haven't had any
> trouble with it until lately, really...

I believe you.  :)
Electronics (chips that is) either goes bad within the first few months,
or lives for 15-20 years before the failure rate start to climb again.
The initial failures are caused by defects, the later ones by `wearing
out'.  So, if the box is a few years old it is less likely to be a
problem with the electronics than if the box is new.

Also, overheating is not just a CPU (or wherever else they put
temperature sensors) problem.  If you have a bad bus transceiver (for
example) it could cause the box to crash hard and you would never
realize that is the problem, unless you checked its temperature with a
thermometer (bad chips tend to run hot).  The burnin (they still do that
I assume) process should weed out defective chips, but ocassionally it
will weken a marginal chip to the point where it fails prematurely. 

- Bruce

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