> I believe you.  :)


> Electronics (chips that is) either goes bad within the first few months,
> or lives for 15-20 years before the failure rate start to climb again.
> The initial failures are caused by defects, the later ones by `wearing
> out'.  So, if the box is a few years old it is less likely to be a
> problem with the electronics than if the box is new.

Okay. I also found the BP6 site someone else mentioned. I'm not the only one w/
stability problems, although they seem to be getting worse lately... Possibly
what you're talking about - but that's just wild speculation. Damn, I might
have to stick a fan on my chipset! What's the world coming to!?!
> Also, overheating is not just a CPU (or wherever else they put
> temperature sensors) problem.  If you have a bad bus transceiver (for
> example) it could cause the box to crash hard and you would never
> realize that is the problem, unless you checked its temperature with a
> thermometer (bad chips tend to run hot).  The burnin (they still do that
> I assume) process should weed out defective chips, but ocassionally it
> will weken a marginal chip to the point where it fails prematurely. 

So I'm going to put a new BIOS on, and cross my fingers.
If that fails, how do I go about testing the individual components? (eg 'bus
transceiver' or chipset) To do the chipset, do I just "use" it heavily? heh
heh. I do run RC5 24/7 and commonly run intensive stuff over that. Come to
think about it, it's been crashing after the morning cron job. That does a
massive "find" for something (forgot what, exactly) - but that would stress the
chipset and bus, and then right after that RC5 keeps plugging away, and then
a couple MP3z are cronned to wake me up. Huh. Maybe it doesn't like playing
MP3z after it's had a rough day searching for things on the disk... Ahhh.

And I thought I was getting a steal...
Well, crashing once a month is kinda worth the 2X price difference, I suppose.
Hell, I'm just a poor college student (well, I certainly am after putting
together this box, that is)

Just as long as my data stays warm and safe. Time to do some more backups.



26-Apr-00 - 15:05:00

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