On Fri,19.Mar.10, 09:17:56, Stephen Powell wrote:
> Recently, someone posted something to the list and CCed me.
> Since I am subscribed to the list, I get a private e-mail for
> each posting to the list.  If a poster also CCs me, I have been used
> to getting two copies: one directly (via the CC) and one indirectly
> (via the list server).  But on this occasion, I got only one copy.
How long has it been? The mail could be stuck on its way (greylisting) 
or some spam filter.

> That makes me wonder if the list server has been "smartened up"
> recently.  Perhaps a list subscriber is no longer sent a copy of
> a posting if his e-mail address is explicitly listed in the TO,
> CC, or BCC fields.  Is that the case?  If so, I wonder why that
> change was not made long ago.  It would eliminate a lot of problems.
> We could CC the poster without fear that he will get two copies
> and thus complain.

I personally wouldn't like such a change. I very much prefer to 
sometimes get CC'd by mistake (I usually just ignore it).

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