On Mon, 2024-02-26 at 13:21 +0100, Hans wrote:
> [...]
> However, on my mobile a pairing password or number is not needed and for 
> pairing the special app is also not needed on the mobile.
> This let me conclude, some other thing I must have missed.
> For testing purposes I used kde in-built blue-tooth-manager and as well the 
> app "blueman" from Gnome. I had the feeling, blueman is working more stable 
> and smoother than the kde-built-in one.
> If someone knows, how to pair these (maybe I have to take notice of some 
> things), I will take a further look.

Some devices can not be paired.  Bluetooth sucks badly; it may or may
not work and it's always been like that.

Last time I bought something with bluetooth, it couldn't be paired and
I got a discount.  I don't need, nor want its bluetooth functionality
at all, and it's better that it doesn't work because it may make it
more difficult for potential attackers, so I got an even better deal
than it already was.

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