
Firstly - We don't like Microsoft Product but we like their price? Please!
Purchasing on Price has always been a bad idea (or that what we all try to
convince our clients)


Secondly - Probably like a lot of you I use Pro, the price for Enterprise is
set by where Enterprise sits in the market, priced Oracle
or Rational Rose recently? or on a more proletairat level a copy of Adobe
Capture?, As far as the Web Dev whine goes there
are so many free development tools I really can't see that Borland has a
responsibility to make our lives easier by allowing us
to exist using one tool for everything (To the man with a hammer all the
world is a nail!), Anyone wanting to write high performance
extensions to apache (without months of pain) can pay the is cheap

Regards Neven
N.K. MacEwan B.E. E&E
Ph 649 574 0027
Fax 649 570 2706

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then a lie"

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