On 2/15/18 11:26 AM, Keith Turner wrote:
On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 11:01 AM, Josh Elser <els...@apache.org> wrote:
We tell users that try to file issues on the "unsupported" issue tracker
that they've created the issue in the wrong place and point them to the
right issue tracker.

Personally I think that is ok for a short period.  Its like driving on
a road during construction, you know annoyance is unavoidable.
However no one wants to drive on a road that under construction
indefinitely.  So if we start on this I would like consensus that we
plan to  transition from Jira to Github in a timely manner.   I don't
think we should try to figure everything out before we start though.
I think it would be good to have a simple starting plan and we hill
climb from there in search of a more optimal way of operating.

I don't like the idea of enabling github issue with no consensus  that
the goal is to transition away from Jira.  Leaving things in that
state for a long period seems bad to me.

If we start with the consensus to transition, its possible we may
decide not to and that ok.  I don't think any action needs to be taken
now for that eventuality. We can figure that out as we go during the
transition period.

+1 on all of this.

Want to spin out a DISCUSS on the desire to switch, Mike Walch? That seems to me like it should be the next step.

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