James Howison wrote:

How would a book review fit into this?

Good question. I think that's dropped out somewhere.

Jstor for example makes this a separate type, with specific data for a reviewed article etc. One could imagine having a collection of reviewed articles.

This is a little tricky. I think if I have a book review in a newspaper, then perhaps it ought to be typed as both an Article and a Review?

Reviews can be issued in different forms, including broadcast on the radio.

Yes, one could also just do this in the title field as people gave done for years.

I guess that level of metadata is more akin to having a listed of cited references than a separate type.

Well, it could instead be a relation, and maybe should be.

<http://ex.net/1> a bibo:Article ;
    bibo:reviewOf <http://ex.net/2> .

That works for me. What do you think?

And there's nothing stopping the RDF format from allowing links to cited works, perhaps even with citation types, of which a review would be one.


If such a link was in the record then special layout rules could apply. But this seems to much of an edge case?

I'd also like to see an encouragement for not includng the year in the 'container' for conference proceedings/presentation.

Speaking of which how would this type system cover the common practice of sing a conference presentation which doesn't publish proceedings, and then making that available via a webpage?

A conference paper is typically presented at a conference, and may be published in either a proceeding, or simply directly on the web.


<http://ex.net/1> a bibo:Document ;
    bibo:presentedAt <http://ex.net/2> ; # the conference
    dcterms:isPartOf <http://ex.net/3> . # the proceedings

This might suggest that isPartOf is a bit vague for your purposes. The Zotero guys suggested instead something like reproducedIn, which is probably closer.

As for one published straight to the web, I'd do just:

<http://ex.net/1> a bibo:Document ;
    bibo:url <http://ex.net/1> ; # strictly speaking redundant
    bibo:presentedAt <http://ex.net/2> . # the conference

Ivan Herman was wondering if maybe we don't want something like bibo:ConferenceDocument or some such, and I think that's an open question indeed.


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