Hi all,

as we mentioned previously, we have a pretty entity which allows an 
application to be deployed on a Cloud Foundry platform by using a 
new paas location, CloudFoundryPaasLocation. 

Here you can find a simple blueprint which shows the entity usage:

name: CloudFoundryPaasLocation configuration example
location: pivotal-ws
- type: org.apache.brooklyn.cloudfoundry.entity.VanillaCloudFoundryApplication
  id: vanilla-app
    name-app: name
    path: classpath://brooklyn-example-hello-world-sql-webapp-in-paas.war
    buildpack: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/java-buildpack.git
    domain: domain
    host: application-host

You can find more examples in [1]. Currently, we are thinking about supporting 
Cloud Foundry service. Documentation [2] says that an existent service can be 
bound to an application. Then, it looks interesting to use a new entity to 
a service, allowing users to create services and bind them to an application 
from a blueprint.

Following, you can find blueprint which shows my proposal to manage a service.

name: CloudFoundryPaasLocation configuration example
location: pivotal-ws
- type: org.apache.brooklyn.cloudfoundry.entity.VanillaCloudFoundryApplication
  id: vanilla-app
    name-app: name
    path: classpath://brooklyn-example-hello-world-sql-webapp-in-paas.war
    buildpack: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/java-buildpack.git
    domain: domain
    host: application-host
    - instance_name

- type: org.apache.brooklyn.cloudfoundry.entity.servies.MySqlService
    service-type: available_service #which was added to the platform by a broker
    instance-name: instance_name #used to bind the instance
    plan: plan_to_use #offers varying levels of resources or features for the 
same service
    creationScriptUrl: script.sql #script to init the database

MySqlService is an entity which allows to create an instance of any mysql 
Then,  Actually, all the services are created following the same method, a 
requires the service-type, the instance-name and the plan to be created, then 
it is 
possible to create any service using a generic entity. However, it looks 
to create a entity for manage MySql services, because it will allow concrete 
to be carried out, for example, it allows the database, which is created by the 
to be initialized using a script.sql. 
Currently, users have to initialize the database manually after creating the 
so this proposal would facilitate the management of the Cloud Foundry services.

Does it make sense for you? I will appreciate any advice and suggestion in 
to improve this idea.


El 05/08/2016, a las 19:17, Jose Carrasco <jo...@lcc.uma.es> escribió:

> Hi all, 
> Thanks Andrea for your report. As student I can say you are doing a great job 
> as mentor, I am learning a lot about software architectures, patterns, and 
> another principles to develop maintainable and testable code. I really 
> appreciate that you spend a bit of time every day to direct me in the right 
> direction.
> During this time we decided to model a PaasLocation in Brooklyn and to target 
> initially CF. Then we focus on understanding the CF features and the CF 
> manifest which to model what I ended up calling 
> VanillaCloudFoundryApplication, which models a CF manifest and it is 
> startable on a PaasLocation. It was necessary a lot of iterations to get the 
> current architecture. First, it was decided how the Cloud Foundry services 
> had to be managed by the location (through a client), we spend quite time 
> chatting and developing examples time reach an extensible and useful and 
> testable architecture. Once the first prototype was ready, Andrea suggested 
> to introduce the driver pattern, allowing the entity to delegate the location 
> management to an driver, what it looks interesting in order to generalize our 
> solution. Currently, we are updating the Cloud Foundry client that we are 
> using to manage the Cloud Foundry services, in order to obtain a more 
> maintainable code. Once this task will be ready, I will explore how to 
> generalize this approach to support more platforms without refactoring too 
> much the current solution.
> Of course you can obtain a track and more concrete information about each of 
> our task in our trello [1] board. A lot of aforementioned decisions can be 
> also tracked following the open PR in [2].
> Best,
> Jose
> [1]: https://trello.com/b/ZFfueDsu/gsoc2016
> [2]: https://github.com/kiuby88/brooklyn-cloudfoundry
> El 05/08/2016, a las 17:38, Andrea Turli <andrea.tu...@cloudsoftcorp.com> 
> escribió:
>> All,
>> as GSoC mentor of [1] I'm happy to say that Jose is doing very well and
>> he's keeping up a great job on adding PaaS support to Brooklyn
>> Jose Carrasco is being very active and productive during this period. He is
>> collecting his ideas and documenting his work in this folder [1]. He's been
>> quite active on IRC but we have also 1:1 conversations that he's keen to
>> summarize focusing with the design and the main technical decisions taken
>> along the way.
>> There is also Trello board [2] that we have reviewed with some of the
>> Brooklyn committers (Aled, Alex and Robert) Currently the code produced for
>> this project is available at [3] but it will be moved to an apache soon.
>> If you are interested please let us know your thoughts/comments,
>> Sorry for the belated update,
>> Andrea and Jose
>> [1]: https://drive.google.com/a/cloudsoftcorp.com/folderview?id=0BxP_
>> HXE8tVoFazF4cUV0LXpYSTg&usp=sharing#
>> [2]: https://trello.com/b/ZFfueDsu/gsoc2016
>> [3]: https://github.com/kiuby88/brooklyn-cloudfoundry
>> On 2 May 2016 at 13:00, Jose Carrasco <jo...@lcc.uma.es> wrote:
>>> Hi Andrea and all,
>>> Thanks for that. I will try to review and to make some contributions to
>>> the mentioned PRs. I have
>>> to develop the proposal that I update to Google Summer of Code,
>>> participate in the community,
>>> develop the documentation, etc. (as Andrea has mentioned) but It will give
>>> me great pleasure to
>>> collaborate in different tasks, and functionality developments :-)
>>> Just a pair of questions about the proposal. I have a pair of ideas about
>>> how PaaS entities could be added to
>>> Brooklyn (in fact, I tried a pair of PRs) . The proposal that I wrote a
>>> little description about that in the proposal
>>> that I wrote, but I should develop some diagrams about necessary entities,
>>> locations and how it has to be added
>>> to Brooklyn, then what should I do? should I write a Google Docs? should I
>>> open a PR directly? I would prefer to
>>> write a little document before coding. What do you think?
>>> I was a little contributor in a different open project, brooklyn-tosca. I
>>> tried different examples in order to find new
>>> possible functionalities there, but I was not actively involved either in
>>> the community chat or in the Mailing List.
>>> I do not want to be a spammer. Probably my routine should be different for
>>> GSoC, I should ask more questions
>>> about new functionalities and how they should be implemented before
>>> coding. Does the community use gitter?
>>> In other words, I am still a novice here and I have much to learn. Hence,
>>> I will  appreciate any advice and suggestion
>>> in order to improve my participation in the project.
>>> Thanks a lot.
>>> Best,
>>> Jose
>>> El 02/05/2016, a las 11:36, Andrea Turli <andrea.tu...@cloudsoftcorp.com>
>>> escribió:
>>>> Hi Jose,
>>>> We are now in the "Community Bonding Period (April 22 - May 22)". The
>>>> Community Bonding period is intended to get students ready to start
>>>> contributing to your organization full time in May.
>>>> We encourage you to try to become familiar with the community practices
>>> and
>>>> processes: participate on Mailing Lists / IRC and ask questions!
>>>> Set up their development environment: following
>>>> https://brooklyn.apache.org/v/latest/dev/index.html
>>>> Try to participate in code reviews for others. There is a documentation
>>> PR
>>>> open right now [1] or a small PR on brooklyn-server [2] you may want to
>>>> test to report your feedback or [3] in brooklyn-libray.
>>>> Ideally code review should become part of your daily routine, but of
>>>> course, reading (and updating!) documentation and contributing to mailing
>>>> list / IRC will be appreciated as well.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Andrea
>>>> [1]: https://github.com/apache/brooklyn-docs/pull/49
>>>> [2]: https://github.com/apache/brooklyn-server/pull/127
>>>> [3]: https://github.com/apache/brooklyn-library/pull/32
>>>> On 24 April 2016 at 22:00, Aled Sage <aled.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> +1
>>>>> That's awesome - looking forward to you working on this, Jose! Please do
>>>>> keep the dev@brooklyn list informed of proposals, progress, questions,
>>>>> comments, etc. I'm sure that Andrea, myself and the rest of the
>>> community
>>>>> will be very happy to give opinions and help as appropriate.
>>>>> Aled
>>>>> On 23/04/2016 00:01, Jose wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all!!
>>>>>> Thanks a lot to all of you in particular to my GSoC mentor, Andrea. I
>>> am
>>>>>> really looking forward to start :-)
>>>>>> Thank you very much
>>>>>> JoseEl 22/4/2016 23:21, Andrea Turli <andrea.tu...@cloudsoftcorp.com>
>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>> Good news for Brooklyn: the proposal got accepted [1]
>>>>>>> Congratulations Jose!
>>>>>>> Andrea
>>>>>>> [1]:
>>>>>>> https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/dashboard/
>>> organization/5694656234913792/proposal/6531111119224832/
>>>>>>> Il 14/apr/2016 11:10, "Jose Carrasco" <jo...@lcc.uma.es> ha scritto:
>>>>>>> Hi Andrea and all,
>>>>>>>> sorry, I wrote “I hope that this link about Apache ranking process is
>>>>>>>> useful” but I did not put the link there.
>>>>>>>> Let me add the link here [1]. Probably, Google should score some
>>>>>>>> proposal
>>>>>>>> aspects but I would say that the mentor and the community should also
>>>>>>>> complete some documentation. In any case, I hope this task is not
>>>>>>>> painful
>>>>>>>> for you.
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Jose
>>>>>>>> [1] https://community.apache.org/mentee-ranking-process.html
>>>>>>>> El 14/04/2016, a las 09:45, Andrea Turli <
>>>>>>>> andrea.tu...@cloudsoftcorp.com>
>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>> Jose,
>>>>>>>>> thanks for the reminder.
>>>>>>>>> Reading https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/how-it-works/ I'd say
>>> that
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> GSoC commission will score the projects and will assign accepted
>>>>>>>>> project
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> mentors by April 22nd.
>>>>>>>>> Andrea
>>>>>>>>> On 14 April 2016 at 01:02, Jose Carrasco <jo...@lcc.uma.es> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi all
>>>>>>>>>> Firstly, I would like to thank all of you, specially to Andrea and
>>>>>>>>>> Aled,
>>>>>>>>>> the effort from your side.
>>>>>>>>>> I would like to remind the deadline description which was sent by
>>>>>>>>>> Aled:
>>>>>>>>>> * 2016-04-12: Proposals to ASF projects must be reviewed roughly
>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> have a potential mentor so that we know how many slots to request.
>>>>>>>>>> Proposals that don't have a mentor at this point will be
>>> down-rated.
>>>>>>>>>> * 2016-04-18: Proposal scoring must be completed. Proposals
>>> without a
>>>>>>>>>> score will be rejected, no exceptions.
>>>>>>>>>> * 2016-04-22: Accepted student proposals announced on the Google
>>>>>>>>>> Summer of Code site.
>>>>>>>>>> The proposal should be scoring by my mentor and the community (I
>>>>>>>>>> think)
>>>>>>>>>> before 2016-04-18. Please, feel free to read and score the proposal
>>>>>>>>>> according your priorities and requirements. Probably, you will
>>> found a
>>>>>>>>> form
>>>>>>>>> and the required documentation in your Web GSoC Application side. I
>>>>>>>>>> hope
>>>>>>>>>> that this link about Apache ranking process is useful for you. In
>>> any
>>>>>>>>> case,
>>>>>>>>> I am looking forward to hearing from you and do not hesitate to ask
>>> any
>>>>>>>>>> question you have. I am really happy with this and I, of course,
>>>>>>>>> understand
>>>>>>>>> you need to review in depth the proposal and to take a decision.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks again.
>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>> Jose
>>>>>>>>>> El 13/04/2016, a las 08:57, Andrea Turli <
>>>>>>>>> andrea.tu...@cloudsoftcorp.com>
>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>> Jose,
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm indeed happy to mentor you.
>>>>>>>>>>> I will try to add myself as a mentor and will update you shortly.
>>>>>>>>>>> Andrea
>>>>>>>>>>> On 12 April 2016 at 23:48, Jose Carrasco <jo...@lcc.uma.es>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi again,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I found this link about becoming a mentor
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://community.apache.org/guide-to-being-a-mentor.html
>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jose
>>>>>>>>>>>> El 12/04/2016, a las 23:44, Jose Carrasco <jo...@lcc.uma.es>
>>>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do not have any link. I uploaded my proposal from a standard
>>> form
>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>> the web and I selected Apache as a form’s field.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I only have this link
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://community.apache.org/gsoc.html#applying-for-gsoc but I
>>>>>>>>>>>> think
>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>> already know it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (I sent you in a private email the think to the proposal).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jose
>>>>>>>>>>>>> El 12/04/2016, a las 23:39, Aled Sage <aled.s...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Jose,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The timeline on https://community.apache.org/gsoc.html says
>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> next
>>>>>>>>> steps are:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * 2016-04-12: Proposals to ASF projects must be reviewed roughly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have a potential mentor so that we know how many slots to
>>> request.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Proposals that don't have a mentor at this point will be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> down-rated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * 2016-04-18: Proposal scoring must be completed. Proposals
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> score will be rejected, no exceptions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * 2016-04-22: Accepted student proposals announced on the
>>> Google
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Summer of Code site.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you have a link (on the Apache site) to the application you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> submitted?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aled
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/04/2016 22:33, Jose Carrasco wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Aled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will be very happy to work with Andrea Turli :-)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I cannot selected  a mentor and I can not see any assigned
>>> mentor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>> my web profile,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> probably it may be added from Apache organization web profile.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Today it is the last day? Probably an extension will be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> available a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pair of days (I hope). Let me know if I need to do something,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or sending more information.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your reply.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jose
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El 12/04/2016, a las 23:24, Aled Sage <aled.s...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jose,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for this - sounds like a great idea. I'm sure the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> community
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (myself included) will be very happy to support it!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I believe the next step is that you need a mentor in the
>>> Brooklyn
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> community. I know that Andrea Turli would be happy to
>>> volunteer
>>>>>>>>>>>> (I
>>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>> spoke to him offline).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> According to the timeline on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://community.apache.org/gsoc.html
>>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>>>>> /2016-04-12: Proposals to ASF projects must be reviewed roughly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> have a potential mentor so that we know how many slots to request.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Proposals that don't have a mentor at this point will be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> down-rated./
>>>>>>>>>>> Can you therefore ensure that your application says you have a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mentor, ideally updating it today? (I'm not sure what the
>>>>>>>>>>>> process is
>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> this).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aled
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/04/2016 12:31, Jose Carrasco wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am Jose Carrasco (a.k.a kiuby88).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am very interesting on adding PaaS platform support to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brooklyn project. I have already forked brooklyn projects and
>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>> developed some first approaches to add CloudFoundry to Brooklyn.
>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>> opened
>>>>>>>>>>> some PRs, and I obtained an excellent feedback. I would like to
>>>>>>>>>>>> update
>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>> PRs but I am very busy with the SeaClouds European open-project.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do think PaaS support could be a good feature, and I would
>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> continue that work. Because of that, I applied to Google Summer of
>>>>>>>>>>> Code
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> Apache organization. I updated a proposal about PaaS services
>>>>>>>>>>>> addition
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> Brooklyn. I think it is a great opportunity. I know Brooklyn a
>>> quite
>>>>>>>>>>> well
>>>>>>>>>>> (because I have develop some new entities for SeaClouds), and I
>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>>>> collaborated on cloudsoft/brooklyn-tosca project. I am really
>>>>>>>>>>> interested on
>>>>>>>>>>> this. Probably I should have written previously to the application
>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>> Google Summer of Code, but I decided it too late and the
>>>>>>>>>>>> application’s
>>>>>>>>>>>> deadline was so close..  I do not know if I can put the proposal
>>>>>>>>>>>> link
>>>>>>>>>>> here.
>>>>>>>>>>> But if you are interesting I will be happy send it to you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am looking forward to hearing from you and do not hesitate to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ask
>>>>>>>>> any question you have.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jose Carrasco

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