> "Should Cayenne by default work without prefixed accessors".

My answer to this : "By default, no. As a fallback or a custom strategy, 

I actually agree about Java beans. They are almost irrelevant now. And I wish 
Java gets "data classes" and some transparent form of "properties". 

As things stand now though, there's no common established alternative based on 
a naming convention that we can safely hardcode without causing grief for 
someone because they didn't expect that their method would be called when 
evaluating expressions. Hence my preference for a DI fix.

So how about this... Unless someone else steps in by then, let me brainstorm it 
with Nikita a couple of weeks from now and see if we can do a DI solution. It 
is not nearly as involved as it appears.


> On Sep 25, 2018, at 9:59 AM, Hugi Thordarson <h...@karlmenn.is> wrote:
> Hi Andrus and thanks for the reply,
> allowing replacement of the entire reflection strategy is certainly nice and 
> would allow me to make the customizations I need.
> However, if it's OK with you, rather than discuss implementation details, I'd 
> like to take two steps back and revert to the more philosophical design 
> question of:
> "Should Cayenne by default work without prefixed accessors".
> What is there to be lost or gained from keeping or abandoning the 
> prefix-requirement?
> I believe I can safely assert that Cayenne works fine without accessor 
> prefixes, since I've used it that way on dozens of projects, so it looks like 
> a somewhat arbitrary limitation. It's only with the introduction of field 
> based DOs that we get a problem in a very isolated part of the framework.
> It seems to me that the java ecosystem is moving towards more modern API 
> design—we've even got the architect of the Java language calling the 
> bean-style "at best a questionable -- and certainly overused -- API naming 
> convention" [http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~briangoetz/amber/datum.html 
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~briangoetz/amber/datum.html>] (pardon the appeal 
> to authority, but considering where it comes from, it's probably a good 
> barometer for where java language and API design is headed).
> I'd say that the framework would be well served and future-proofed by 
> dropping the requirement for hard-coded accessor prefixes as a baked in 
> requirement.
> Cheers,
> - hugi
>> On 25 Sep 2018, at 11:15, Andrus Adamchik <and...@objectstyle.org> wrote:
>> Hi Hugi,
>> My vote would be to do it right. There is a positive side effect that the 
>> entire reflection strategy suddenly becomes customizable.
>> Andrus
>>> On Sep 25, 2018, at 7:11 AM, Hugi Thordarson <h...@karlmenn.is> wrote:
>>> Hi Andrus, and y'all.
>>> I've been looking into this and it seems like a rather large change to 
>>> allow something relatively simple (allowing DataObjects to have accessor 
>>> methods that don't start with a "get"-prefix).
>>> Would people be diametrically opposed to just changing BeanAccessor so that 
>>> it seeks for a non-prefixed method if a prefixed one isn't found? That 
>>> modification is minimal and shouldn't affect any current users, so I can 
>>> think of.
>>> Cheers,
>>> - hugi
>>>> On 20 Sep 2018, at 16:08, Andrus Adamchik <and...@objectstyle.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi Maik,
>>>> In Cayenne a canonical way to override services is via DI. A PR that 
>>>> follows that approach has a good chance of acceptance. 
>>>> From a quick glance, I wonder if this new DI endpoint should be a factory 
>>>> of ClassDescriptorMap (which is currently lazily created inside 
>>>> EntityResolver). We can't make ClassDescriptorMap itself DI-managed as it 
>>>> depends on the mapping state, but a factory for it can be a DI singleton. 
>>>> Inside your custom factory (a few levels down actually) you can provide a 
>>>> subclass of BeanAccessor (maybe also via its own DI factory?).
>>>> Andrus
>>>>> On Sep 19, 2018, at 8:35 AM, Maik Musall <m...@selbstdenker.ag> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I'd like to pull up this discussion from one year ago again. I'm 
>>>>> currently running 4.0 and testing upgrading to 4.1 using field-based 
>>>>> DataObjects, and I'm hitting the hard-coded prefixes in BeanAccessor that 
>>>>> prevent me from proceeding.
>>>>> Yes, in theory I could sigh, yield, and use "get" prefixes, but not only 
>>>>> do I dislike introducing the "get" boilerplate everywhere. I am also 
>>>>> somewhat reluctant to make a refactoring touching some 800+ files in my 
>>>>> project. To be honest, I'd rather patch BeanAccessor to personal taste 
>>>>> and deal with the consequences.
>>>>> BeanAccessor is currently always called by it's constructor. In addition 
>>>>> to the options Hugi described in his original mail in this thread, I 
>>>>> could also imagine a way to modify this to be able to inject a custom 
>>>>> Accessor implementation as an alternative. What do you think?
>>>>> And… what would happen if someone would submit a pull request actually 
>>>>> implementing one of these options? :-)
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Maik
>>>>>> Am 26.09.2017 um 15:32 schrieb Hugi Thordarson <h...@karlmenn.is>:
>>>>>> Hi Michael,
>>>>>> thanks for an honest attempt to convince me. Hard sell, though. :)
>>>>>> I use a lot of 3rd party libraries and I've only hit one time where 
>>>>>> using the bean spec was necessary — JasperReports. That was easily fixed 
>>>>>> by providing *BeanInfo classes, in accordance with the Bean spec. But 
>>>>>> Cayenne doesn't really follow the Java Bean Spec, it just hardcodes 
>>>>>> "is", "get" and "set".
>>>>>> As for the Eclipse thing… Well. A standard DataObject already has five 
>>>>>> methods prefixed with "get" so that list is questionable. And I don't 
>>>>>> miss this functionality.
>>>>>> I think it's important to note that the change I'm proposing would not 
>>>>>> affect those who choose to add the prefix. It just accommodates those of 
>>>>>> us who choose not to, thus expanding the audience of the framework.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> - hugi
>>>>>>> On 26 Sep 2017, at 12:01, Michael Gentry <blackn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Hugi,
>>>>>>> Let me try to sell you on the "get" prefix.  :-)
>>>>>>> (I did a lot of WebObjects/EOF in the past, in Objective-C and Java, so 
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> understand the reluctance.)
>>>>>>> * The "get" prefix is part of the JavaBeans standard/contract.  With the
>>>>>>> exception of "is" for booleans (with a little "b").
>>>>>>> * There are tons of Java frameworks out there that expect and utilize 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> JavaBeans contract, so it is great for folding external frameworks into
>>>>>>> your code.  Or folding Cayenne into other frameworks, such as Tapestry. 
>>>>>>>  I
>>>>>>> can specify Cayenne object/relationship paths in Tapestry (and other
>>>>>>> frameworks) such as
>>>>>>> t:value="currentItem.resourceSummary.grossCost.costs.continuingFootnote"
>>>>>>> (real example).  Since Tapestry expects the JavaBeans contract and 
>>>>>>> Cayenne
>>>>>>> provides it, this works flawlessly.
>>>>>>> * In Eclipse (and others, I'm sure) I can do anObject.get[pause or
>>>>>>> control-space] and see all the getters associated with that object.
>>>>>>> Without the get prefix, they are spread out a-z and therefore you can't 
>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>> as concise a list.
>>>>>>> mrg
>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 7:02 AM, Hugi Thordarson <h...@karlmenn.is> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all
>>>>>>>> Touching on an old subject that has now become more important with
>>>>>>>> field-based Data Objects.
>>>>>>>> All of my DataObjects use accessor methods without the "get"-prefix. 
>>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>>> was fine with Map Based data objects (where a MapAccessor would get
>>>>>>>> property values by name), but now that my objects are field based, 
>>>>>>>> along
>>>>>>>> comes BeanAccessor which is hardcoded to have every getter prefixed.
>>>>>>>> I propose that BeanAccessor be modified to allow accessor methods 
>>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>>> the "get"-prefix. Methods with "get" would get precedence, but if no 
>>>>>>>> method
>>>>>>>> with a "get"-prefix exists, check for the existence of a method with 
>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>> the property name.
>>>>>>>> Although it's a minimal change in code, I realise it comes with a bit 
>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> potential baggage WRT testing. But this is not just to scratch a 
>>>>>>>> personal
>>>>>>>> itch; once Cayenne 4.0 is out I want to start a large scale 
>>>>>>>> introduction of
>>>>>>>> Cayenne to the EOF world where the get prefix is generally not liked 
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> this change would have a big appeal. Besides, I'm not a big fan of the
>>>>>>>> get-prefix myself, I find it a bit redundant :).
>>>>>>>> An alternative would be to adhere to the Bean standard, and make
>>>>>>>> BeanAccessor read bean meta information (usually specified in *BeanInfo
>>>>>>>> classes) and get names of getter/setter methods from there. But that 
>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>> be a much larger change than just checking for a method with 
>>>>>>>> propertyName
>>>>>>>> if the getPropertyName method doesn't exist.
>>>>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> - hugi

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