On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 11:16 AM, Mike Drob <md...@mdrob.com> wrote:

> How much of this is already covered by the Incubation process? Hopefully
> projects don't revert to improper licensing or closed development after
> they graduate.

The absence of clear documentation harms projects both during and after

For example, when a project transgresses against some aspect of Apache policy,
PMC members may not speak out because they don't feel confident that they grok
our muddled rules well enough to argue the point -- even though they were
trained on them during incubation.

Many people around the Foundation have unreasonable expectations about the
Incubator's ability to assure good behavior in perpetuity for its graduates.

Meanwhile, the abominable state of our policy documentation goes unnoticed.

Marvin Humphrey

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