> I don’t care why people pay Tidelift nor do I see a reason I should have
> to.

The fact that you see no added
> value doesn’t mean people won’t pay them, even if it is just so they can
> feel
> that they are contributing to the open source they use.


I think we all agree that ASF meets the criteria of Tidelift already.
Why don't Tidelift (in the places where open-source projects included are
listed) explain that ASF projects meet the criteria, and any one is free
to deal directly with the committers of all ASF projects directly (with
links to the list to projects and committers which are all publicly

The goal of Tidelift is achieved, the rules of ASF are followed. All money
go directly to the committers, Tidelift has less coordination and
to do.

Does this make sense?


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