On 10/3/16, 3:02 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

>>  There are lots of non-ideal things in software that we don't have to
>>invest time on.
>If you just let me JFDI the only investment would be my time and this
>would of be sorted by now.

But if you are going to do something, it should be what is recommended,
not what you personally think is right.  You thought that Greg's advice
wasn't general purpose. I double-checked and now 3 people have recommended
contacting the upstream before we start making changes on their behalf.
See from [1], Greg Stein on April 3, Henri on Sept 21, and Roy in [1].

>>  If the upstreams do not respond then we can
>> consider what to do in our repo next.
>This is allready spelt out in [1] i.e. add the header if they don’t

Did you contact the upstreams?  If not, why do you think you don't need to
follow the advice and contact the upstreams?

>>> 1. http://markmail.org/message/t5q6f5i62peo44i3

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