Am Montag, den 12.03.2018, 17:26 +0000 schrieb Neil C Smith:
> On Mon, 12 Mar 2018 at 17:12 Geertjan Wielenga <
>> wrote:
> > I really wouldn't be worried at all about something that will be
> > supported
> > "through at least 2026".
> > 
> In a public, freely available JDK?

I did not see Swing or AWT marked as deprecated in OpenJDK. So removal
at this point is out of the question. I doubt that Oracle will remove
the whole desktop module from their JDK, so even Oracle JDK will most
probably carry AWT+Swing.

My reading is a bit less *heaven will fall*:

 * The java plugin is dead (thanks go to the browser makers)
 * Java Web Start is mostly dead and was never open source. Interested
   parties could place their money on Red Hat, which might have its
   open source successor (Iced Tea Web)
 * JavaFX is not part of the Oracle JDK anymore
 * The future of Swing and AWT is not yet decided

To read more into the white-paper is just reading tea-leaves. It might
be fun, but the future is not told there.



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