On Wed, 14 Mar 2018 10:20:17 -0400
Scott Palmer <swpal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > On Mar 14, 2018, at 3:01 AM, <toni.ep...@eppleton.de>
> > <toni.ep...@eppleton.de> wrote:
> > 
> > There's a problem with this whole discussion. Participants are
> > mixing criticism of webapps with criticism of Desktop applications
> > which use a HTML5Component as their renderer. I don't know if I
> > should respond, because technologies like DukeScript or Electron do
> > not suffer from this browser compatibility problem. They ship their
> > own renderer/browser. Still we keep getting this.   
> Because HTML5 is horrible to use as a rendering technology regardless
> of browser issues.  It is simply the wrong tool for the job.  It
> makes no sense to convert everything back to a form (HTML) that
> poorly expresses what you want to do.  The internet is full of “How
> can a get a layout like this…?” questions with regard to HTML.
> Followed by hack upon hack to try to make it work. If you use a
> proper GUI toolkit instead of a mutilated mark-up language, you just
> do it.

Everyone keeps forgetting that many used Flash for consistency where
HTML could not. Not to mention doing things you could not in
HTML/CSS/JS. Many things still trying to move from Flash to HTML5.
Other things are making no effort. Major things like Trustwave's
Trustkeeper for PCI Compliance, all in Flash....

They are not doing anything that special, it could be done even before
HTML5 was a thing... One reason they may use Flash is consistency, and
not having to deal with browser quirks.... Though maybe also to prevent
people from hacking the HTML/JS in various pages. Like Java on Desktop,
you cannot easily manipulate compiled code....

Any longtime web developer has had to make various CSS files to handle
issues in different browsers, wrote conditional JS code, based on DOM,
etc. Browsers and web develop is a freaking nightmare and has never
gotten better in decades.... Same page in different browsers on same OS
can look different. Same page on different OS can look different in
same browser....

Its all garbage for UI IMHO. Anytime someone talks HTML/JS/CSS for UI I
stop listening right there.... I have been there, done that, wasted to
many hours of my life dealing with quirks...

William L. Thomson Jr.

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