Scott, thanks for saying it so well.  I absolutely loathe and despise
trying to get any real work done with a browser interface.

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 8:06 AM, Scott Palmer <> wrote:

> Sometimes I think the world has gone crazy.
> Here are a few simple observations:
>  - JavaFX is the best UI tech that Java has going for it these days.
>  - Swing/AWT has been heading towards obsolescence for several years now.
> It works, but the future of desktop UI with Java is JavaFX.
>  - HTML is a HORRIBLE way to render an application.  It works very poorly,
> if at all, and not consistently across browsers. (Look what people have to
> go through to try to get something as simple as a table with scrolling data
> and static column headers, for example.)
>  - Javascript is junk.  The interesting thing about stuff like Electron is
> that they managed to get it to work at all.  We give it extra credit simply
> because it was done with technologies that make it so much harder to do.
> (It also tends to be slow IMO.) That’s cute and all, but ultimately wasted
> time.  It would be that much better and cheaper to develop if done with
> better tech like Java/JavaFX.
> - The popularity of Web UIs has done a disservice to the development
> community.  They have lowered the bar so far that we accept the utter
> rubbish and awful user experience of most web apps as ‘normal’.  We have a
> generation of developers that don’t even understand why Javascript is
> garbage or how crippled applications are that run in a browser. Have you
> noticed when you see an interesting web app that you are more impressed
> because it is a web app?  If it were a desktop app you wouldn’t give it a
> second thought.
> - I don’t know why anyone would want to bring HTML UI into a Java
> application (when they don’t have to) as it is such a massive step
> backwards.
> So stopping running around like the sky is falling.  Swing/AWT, JavaFX
> aren’t going to disappear.  Oracle wasn’t doing anything significant with
> Swing.  If they stop, we aren’t likely to notice.  JavaFX is the greater
> concern, because it is the better tech and still needs feature
> development.  The community around it can keep it going as long as there is
> a consistent vision for it  Ideas of using HTML for UI on a desktop app
> programmed in Java are ridiculously insane. We already have a much better
> cross-platform UI technology, no need to put work in to move backwards to
> an inferior UI tech.
> Scott
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