On Mon, 9 Apr 2018 11:35:27 +0200
Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacre...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 10:36 AM, Emilian Bold
> <emilian.b...@protonmail.ch> wrote:
> > ...I've been thinking of posting some bounties for the NetBeans
> > annoyances I encounter...  
> See https://community.apache.org/committers/funding-disclaimer.html
> for a disclaimer that's been used in the past for such things. You'll
> need something like to make it clear that the bounties come from you
> and not from Apache NetBeans.

I am not against individuals sponsoring areas they like. But that also
means it can allow individuals to fund areas of interest to them which
may not be the interest of the project as a whole.

Said another way, Oracle/Sun used to lead Netbeans project development
I would assume. Now its being handed to the community. If the community
just self funds areas of interest to them. Things may go in wild
directions. Minor when talking bugs, but if anything more.

Why I feel its best for any sponsoring, bounties, etc to go through
normal project structure. To allow project leadership to determine what
is best, etc. Not saying take someones money and do not fulfill their
wishes, but balance out such needs.

I work for company A and you B. We both sponsor things that meet our
needs or interest. Those may conflict for competitive purposes. Then
you get a mess and have a hard time leading the project. Plus letting
outsiders control and influence project development for their own
purposes vs those of the general community as a whole.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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