Alexandro Colorado wrote:
> My final and unrelated suggestion is to re-arquitect the way the file
> structure has been handled. Example:
> css/
> ... header.css
> ... menu.css
> ... content.css
> ... footer.css
> ... form.css
> This will provide a better nd more granular manipulation of the css.

I don't see that much css around to justify multiple files. Of course
from my (non-designer) experience.
The last file I used in my experiments was 484 lines (only for the home
page though) including the media queries to support the responsive
design, and while writing this email I went back and removed some
unnecessary code trimming down the css to 378 lines including comments
to describe where the styles apply.

If bootstrap is used for the general look&feel, then the additional css
needed should really be just the bare minimum necessary to change colors
and tweak stuff, I think.

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