On 07/17/2014 03:30 PM, Emanuele wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to understand a bit the way the CMS builds the site in order
> to see how to put everything together.
> I think I got the basics. At least I think I understood what file does
> what (mostly).
> I am now looking at "navtop".

Do you mean "topnav"? I can't find any reference to "navtop".

> If I got it right, the navtop.mdtext is parsed as markdown (and it
> generates an <ul>) and the result is put into the content block in
> navigator.html.
> markdown generates plain html without classes and/or other attributes.

I'm not totally sure what you're asking but the classes for the current
"topnav" elements are defined in


Given that I am not familiar with bootstrap, this may not be a good
answer. We can use different styling for the home page if needed by
editing the paths used by the cms and basically cause it to bypass the
templating used in the rest of the site, and do something different for
"index.html". Does this help?

We haven't really discussed if we would just want to make changes to the
home page or the whole site.

As an information item, all of our current pages are more or less
rendered off --


Taking a closer look at this version  --

we should look at how some of the underlying pages render if we moved
the placement of the top navigator items. My opinion -- regardless how
many elements from a newer design we incorporate into other pages, I
think the topnav element should be at the same place in all pages.

> Bootstrap, on the contrary, requires to assign quite a bit of classes,
> because it relies on that to apply styles and attach javascript
> events/effects.
> So, the question is: is there any way to apply classes to the <ul> and
> <li> elements of navtop without having to use raw html?
> Yeah, I could use javascript, though it would be better to have
> everything in place in the html.
> Best regards,
> emanuele
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