Marcus wrote:
Of course I can change it in the code with a commit. However, I'm not
able to create a build to check myself to see if my fix is good or
produces an ugly build breaker. I'm not yet so far to build AOO from
scratch myself. I wanted to try this for the quite days at this years end.
Any tips?

My suggestion (can be executed as a team, not necessarily by one person):

1. Find a proper wording for

2. Create a link pointing at it

3. Find a short (short!) text for the dialog box, sending the people to for any details (including 32 and 64-bit systems); I don't know if links are supported, but the short URL at 2 should take care of it

4. Place #3 in form of a patch in Bugzilla and send the number here (and if the patch comes from someone who is not one of the usual code committers, even better)

5. At that point it will be easy for people who have their own build tree to check the patch before we get it in, so don't worry about this.


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