Matthew Miller <> writes:

> On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 08:45:31AM -0600, Jonathan Corbet wrote:
>> I will just make the point that, when you make this switch, you will be
>> missing people as well.  Projects that switch to forum systems, to a
>> great extent, go dark for people who aren't immersed in them all the
>> time.  Keeping up with fedora-devel takes very little of my time;
>> keeping up with Discourse instances is a much slower affair.
> What could we do to make that easier for you?

A decent NNTP feed (or set of feeds) would be wonderful :)

Otherwise, I don't know.  Invent a decent federated system that keeps
the good parts of email while addressing the many bad parts?

I guess I should give the Discourse email mode another try.  It was
painful last time, but it's been a little while and may have improved.
But even if it's perfect, dealing with a lot of accounts on
project-specific walled gardens is always going to increase the pain
level.  Perhaps I'm just not made for the world we have built...


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