Forgot to mention one thing:
* When the target audience is “developer” the screenshot is replaced by an 


> On 16 Sep 2016, at 18:18, Vincent Massol <> wrote:
> Hi devs,
> I’m planning to write a Release Notes Application for I’d like to 
> do something relatively simple in order to have a first working version.
> Rationale
> ========
> * Have nicer looking release notes by defining a structure and a common L&F
> * For users, be able to see all the release notes item from a given version 
> to another version and by category
> Idea
> ====
> Specifically for the “New and Networthy" section have:
> - A visual that looks like this:
> - 2 columns layout
> - For each item a screenshot and a summary text
> - (optional) Have a “Learn more” button that goes to the item and provides 
> more info (and possibly more screenshots if need be)
> XProperties:
> - Version (in which the item has been added). Static list
> - Category (Help, Color Themes, Solr Search, AWM, etc). Static list
> - Main screenshot 
> - Summary text
> - Additional content
> - Target audience (User, Admin, Developer). Static list
> Notes:
> - If no “main screenshot” is provided then the generated report will put the 
> item in a Miscellaneous section
> For now I don’t want to handle other metadata for the releases notes, i.e. 
> translations, upgrades, backward compat, tested browsers, etc). Precisely, 
> I’m planning to write a “New and Networthy” application ATM, not a full 
> “Release notes app”.
> The way it could be used is through a {{news/}} macro, e.g.: {{news 
> from=“6.4” to=“8.2” [categories=“help,awm,...”] [targetAudience=“user,admin”] 
> /}}.
> Usage
> ======
> - There would be a page in the wiki to see the livetable corresponding to all 
> the release notes news (the xproperties above)
> - Above this Livetable I imagine a form with several fields: 
> — From version, 
> — To Version 
> — Category (if not empty generate the report only for that category)
> — Target (user, admin, dev). (if not empty only generate the report for that 
> target audience)
> — + a “Generate” button to generate a dynamic "News and Networthy” report
> - We would also use Tags for each news to categorize it further, e.g. 
> “usability”, “performance”, and the LT would display the tag cloud. This will 
> allow for example to see all items between such version and such version that 
> are related to, say, performance
> - We would still write a Release Notes page for each version but on that 
> page, we would use the {{news/}} macro (with from = to = the version 
> corresponding to that RN). On that page we would add all the other parts that 
> are not in the app yet, i.e. translations, upgrades, backward compat, etc
> - When an XWiki developers codes a new feature or improvement or new API will 
> use the app to add it.
> Future
> ======
> * Add a different release notes app to include the other metadata
> * We could almost imagine using this “New and networthy” app to provide 
> reference documentation for our features… :) (along with automatic “since”). 
> That’s probably too science-fiction and I’m sure there are lots of gotchas 
> but just mentioning it here to make us dream a bit...
> I’m starting to work on the POC. Let me know what you think.
> Thanks
> -Vincent

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