> Harnessing the Sun as a way of sharing and showing why change may be 
> necessary
I have work to do but this strand is so compelling that I digress.. and join 
Yesterday, I went to visit and saw this presentation.

Harnessing the Sun ( see below)

Thanks to Andy, I am also editing a book, on the use of ICT's in Education, 
and the vendor and the philanthropic community have examples of outreach, 
projects and resources. There have been interesting perspectives given on 
the whole working part of the Global Forum on ICT's in Education. I had to 
take off my Bonnie Bracey US perspective and listen and learn from a lot of 

In the end, we have a book. but the ideas that Taran proposes, ring true in 
many ways.
Then I get mad because I am a woman and I have seen the possibilities of 
changing the lives of women in the world, and so I continue to try.

Then, as a person interested in science, though the Jordanian men, did not 
want me to teach science, I taught it and taught it well , teaching how to use 
water, find water, all the applications needed to think about water education 
sponsored by WEPIA, and we created handouts, and dvds to teach the science of 

Solving Jordan's Water Problems
By the People, For the People

By Francesca de Châtel

We have been thinking abouy the power of the sun for thousands of years. Each 
culture has its own stories, but yesterday I was able to hear about solar 
power and the way it can help in global ways, and there were some of the ideas 
radio that we talked about , the solar powered radio, the wind up radio, the 
various uses of solar and I thought , as I did in India when I had to help 
women to help get the water for the day, there have to sometimes be better ways 
to do whatever we want to do.

Children in many parts of the world can't do a lot of homework, good or bad 
because after the sun goes down, there are few sources of light. I lived once 
in an Indian village ( India) , and I have worked in the bush( a couple of days 
its true), I laughed because homework can be a sore point. But then I 
remembered that in one of the articles that was written for the book, they 
about girls not being able to receive an education because there was work to do 
and they could not be spared from the home. We hold up our half of the sky and 
some of the technologies that we speak of can make a better world in that 
gathering water, fuel, wood, and the search for nutrition can be assuaged.
So the role of science in the information society is somewhat important. I 

Cultures can choose , if they like, what they want of it .... sometimes a 
little guidance is needed.

                                Presented by
                 Nobel Laureates Walter Kohn and Alan Heeger

                               October 6, 2005
                 University of California Washington Center\

THE POWER OF THE SUN is a 56-minute film, telling the story of SOLAR POWER:
its history, and its current and future applications to the world's energy

The film is a scientific morality tale: how, starting from basic science,
there emerges one of the most promising technologies to help deal with the
great challenge of our time - ENERGY.   That is, finding economically
realistic, clean and safe energy sources to replace diminishing fossil
fuels, while energy demands of the developing world continue to grow

NASA has much to offer in the way of resources that link with this a broad 
general presentation,

in the classroom, I had a lot of fun with solar balloon, solar cells, cooking 
a hot dog with solar power, but also linking with the University of Maryland 
team doing Sunrayce

Solar Eagle

Solar Eagle II

Sunrayce '97

Other Schools Participating in Sunrayce 97 

World Solar Challenge

Additional Solar Racing Links
Sunrayce Resources for Teachers: Solar Energy Lesson Plans
There is a kid story on making a solar car on the George Lucas Educational 
Foundation web page.

Race to Knowledge


The result of overgrazing on the outskirts of Amman, Jordan.
© FAO, R. Faidutti

In a country that is made up of 90 per cent desert and where water is today 
so scarce that it is rationed, one would imagine that everyone uses the 
resource respectfully and sparingly.
 But awareness of the problem is one thing and behavior is yet another. For, 
while people may be aware of the situation of extreme water scarcity, they do 
not always behave accordingly. Now a new education programme in Jordan, Water 
Efficiency and Public Information for Action (WEPIA), wants to change this.
 “We don't like the word awareness,” says Hala Dahlan of WEPIA. “It is not 
enough. Of course lots of people are aware of the situation but what are they 
actually doing about it themselves? WEPIA wants to create more than awareness. 
We want to change attitudes and behavior patterns. People's use of the 
resource has to change fundamentally and lastingly.”
 To effect this behavioral revolution across all levels of society, WEPIA - 
an initiative of the Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation and the 
American Academy for Educational Development - has taken a hands-on approach. 
its creation in 2000 it has achieved the amendment of several laws, launched 
two major media campaigns and designed education programmes for everyone from 
toddlers to university students, women, and even imams."

Notice it said, women and even imams. 

Way to go

Bonnie Bracey Sutton
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