Joakim <> writes:

> On Saturday, 7 November 2015 at 20:34:06 UTC, Dan Olson wrote:
>> Joakim <> writes:
>>> Hmm, that's strange, this commit didn't fix the 64-bit issues for
>>> you? I believe it fixed them for me on Android/ARM:
>> Yes, but there is still one case not working for both iOS armv7 and
>> arm64 in 0.16.1.  It is only off by one ulp so I'll make a PR for
>> that.
> OK, somehow doesn't assert for me on Android/ARMv7.

Different math libs I suspect is the cause.

>> And then this new stuff in 2.068 is failing in various places.
> Yeah, that's the new function I mentioned earlier.  Initializing the
> constant maxY ends up calling log2 through CTFE, the intrinsic for
> which doesn't exist in Kai's longdouble2 branch.  I was going to look
> at writing one, feel free to beat me to it. ;)
> Or if you added that log2 to your branch already, could be other
> issues too, haven't gotten that far.

I don't use longdouble2 branch currently, but only because I had another
simpler 64-bit specific solution.  Yes, I had to add log() to it for

longdouble2 does need to get into LDC to make general support of
cross-compilers easier.  Kai's main concern was about CTFE accuracy for
functions like sin().  Someone or us should start on that.

I traced through the new gammafunction errors and several are due to
subnormals getting fed to log(). Many iOS math functions treat
subnormals as zero, producing different results.  I just have to find
them and revise the unitttests.

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