Am 02.06.2016 um 14:22 schrieb Jacob Carlborg:
On 2016-06-02 10:27, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
The release candidate is planned for the 6th, so please take a moment to
test this release. Instead of `dub upgrade --prerelease`, edit
dub.selections.json directly and put 0.7.29-beta.2 as the vibe-d version
(there is already an alpha version of 0.7.30 out, so the upgrade would
pick that instead).

Could you please, at one point, write documentation, or somehow
otherwise describe the purpose of dub.selections.json?

There is something in

Maybe I'll have the time to write a more formal documentation/specification at some point. But currently I'm still struggling with getting the most pressing things done. This is certainly a great contribution opportunity for anyone familiar with the concept.

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