On Thursday, 24 August 2017 at 16:10:32 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:
Hi all,

I have written an article about writing Julia style multiple dispatch code in D (https://github.com/dataPulverizer/dispatch-it-like-julia). I am hoping that it is appropriate for the D blog.

Reviews please.

Many Thanks!

I think at one point I had actually suggested that dstats or something be re-written in a Julia-like way (before I realized how much work that would be!). It looks very pretty. Nevertheless, you might be re-inventing the wheel a bit if you want to build a whole library in this style. My recommendation would be to write a front-end for the dstats.distrib and dstats.random submodules in this style. That way you won't need to re-write all the functions, you can just call ones from dstats that have already been tested.

More generally, I prefer the structs because they don't rely on the garbage collector, but the class/interface version is prettier. Atila's concepts library has implements, which you might find helpful. I have gently nudged him to work on something that also can tell if a type is a subtype of another type more generally (like a struct being a subtype of another struct). I think this would really be a good use case for that functionality.

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