On Saturday, 16 July 2016 at 07:14:03 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
On Thursday, 14 July 2016 at 23:38:17 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 7/14/2016 6:26 AM, Chris wrote:
Now, now. Where's your sense of humor?

The thing is, he's just here to troll us. His posts all follow the same pattern of relentlessly finding nothing good whatsoever in D, and we're all idiots.

Whoah, that's sensitive. Never called anyone an idiot, but D zealots seem to have a very low threshold for calling everyone else with a little bit of experience idiots if they see room for change in the language. The excesses of broken argumentation in this newsgroup is keeping change from coming to the language.

It is apparent by now that you and Andrei quite often produce smog screens to cover your trails of broken argument chains, which only serve to defend status quo and not really lead to the language to a competitive position. And no, you are not right just because you declare it, and no if you loose an argument it is not because someone changed the topic.

The sad part about D is that it could've become a major player, but is very unlikely to become one without outside help and less hostile attitude towards rather basic CS. But outside help is not really wanted. Because apparently D can become a major player by 2020 without a cleanup according to you and Andrei.

It is highly unlikely for D to become a major player without language cleanup and opening more up to outside input.

I didn't see anyone call you an idiot either. You and Walter have both gone too far, probably because you're annoyed at each other's words and attitude:

Walter called Prolog "singularly useless". You have been referring to changes that would amount to a new major version of D as "a cleanup". From the forums, my sense is that there IS a groundswell of opinion, that D2 has some major mistakes in it that can't be rectified without doing a D3, and there's a strong reaction to that idea based on experience with D1 -> D2. Perhaps what is needed is a separate area for discussion about ideas that would require a major version change. The thing about that is that it can't be done incrementally; it's the rare kind of thing that would need to be planned long in advance, and would have to amount to a huge improvement to justify even considering it.

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