Yes the  11K  sample  rate may be a  problem with the  'new' time  critical  
modes, wspr used to  have a sample rate problem where the  card rate reduced 
the 'tx' time and caused problems with  sync frames  , the othere week while  
running  Ros MF-1/7 on 500 Khz , local decodesd where scrabled , as if there  
was -rf- in the  audio.. after checking  and  finding all was fine..spotted 
that digipan had pulled the card clock to 11K , re set the  driver to 48k and 
all was fine, my st5  dident have these  problems 


--- In, "g4ilo" <jul...@...> wrote:
> --- In, Peter Frenning <peter@> wrote:
> >
> >  The Signalink USB (which I recommend myself with the caveats on my
> > homepage), uses one of the same Cheap chips used by the low cost general
> > purpose adapters, in this case the "USB Audio Codec". As a class of
> > devices you are certainly correct in your assumption about the drivers,
> > but again, as a class of devices, they support all std. sampling rates
> > from 48000 and down, with one notable exception: 11025 (this became a de
> > facto std many years ago when it was the fastest rate these newfangled
> > devices (i think the first was a SoundBlaster 8-bit adapter) would do),
> > many many applications default to this, and for compatibility reasons
> > its being fudged in the Windows driver SW rather than aborting the
> > requesting application. Funny enough (or not as things may be) Linux
> > drivers don't do this and abort any application requesting 11.025 from
> > one of these devices! (this is the only case I know of where resampling
> > comes into play).
> > 
> > Anyway, if your purpose isn't high quality HiFi or ultra high sampling
> > rate for SDR radios, i can recommend the cheaps sound cards - get real,
> > they have more than sufficient dynamic range, and you only need a
> > frequency response of some 500-2500 Hz anyway!
> > 
> But there is more than frequency response and dynamic range required to 
> preserve the information needed to decode digital modes.
> Your statement that the cheap devices do not support 11.025kHz sample rate 
> may have something to do with why I found them so poor as that is the (fixed) 
> rate used by the AGWPE soundcard packet modem. It is also the default rate 
> used by MixW.
> As I said before, I could see the signal on the waterfall but it was just not 
> being decoded. Really, if you want to be confident you have the best chance 
> of decoding that weak signal it is better to be using a good quality device. 
> After all, you spend hundreds if not thousands of pounds / dollars on the 
> transceiver, why penny pinch on the sound card?
> Julian, G4ILO

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