Bruno said: "I'm talking about how to make the general public DEMAND
better interfaces?"

With all due respect, that's not your problem at all. People will
not demand what they don't know about. Your Brilliant Marketing must
succeed within the company before it can succeed elsewhere.

More psychology (alas): Your frustration comes not from the failure
of consumers to demand better design, but from not getting your
groundbreaking interface to market. To do that, as Nasir wisely
suggests, you must overcome the inertia of inaction born of
complacency. That happens first inside the company, later in the
world at a large.

Considere isto: If this company is humming along happily selling
produit du crap, do you think they want to rock the boat to the
extent that they must go scout for a new factory so they can triple
production? No. Because they are humans, and when humans are fat and
happy they are also lazy. Brilliant young hotshots in any field (like
you, Bruno) confuse such people with your enthusiasm for change. That
isn't your fault, it's just a fact of life.

Put your rejected plans in a drawer and wait for the next sales
slump, when everyone is scrambling to figure out what's wrong.
You'll get their attention then, and you may just become some kind
of hero. Timing is everything!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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