On 09/27/2017 10:52 AM, Lori Jakab wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 7:34 PM, Vratko Polak -X (vrpolak - PANTHEON
> TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) <vrpo...@cisco.com <mailto:vrpo...@cisco.com>> wrote:
> [...]
>     Otherwise, issue states have slightly different names,____
>     and buttons to change them have surprisingly different names.____
>     Some state changes ask for a comment.____
>     Both differences have sense, but they should be documented.____
>     (On my first log in, there was a short demo,____
>     which used a different state graph.)____
>     __ __
>     I have noticed BUG-{num} got converted into Jira links. Nice!____
>     I am not sure how Gerrit integration would work.____
>     Currently, many Gerrit changes contain BUG-{num} substrings____
>     in commit messages. Perhaps Jira cound contain optional field____
>     for Bugzilla number, and Gerrit could link to Jira search for the
>     value?____
>     (I assume Gerrit would linkify____
>     the new {PROJECT}-{num} strings correctly.)
> Regarding these points, I see that issues in the "IN PROGRESS" state
> have buttons called "Check-In Fix" and "Needs Review". The first one
> moves the state to "RESOLVED" and doesn't ask for any comment, and the
> second one moves it to "IN REVIEW", again no comment asked. It would be
> nice to be able to add a Gerrit link for both, so that we know which
> commit fixed the issue or which patch needs review. Maybe that's
> possible in a way that I haven't figured out yet?

We can add comment requirements to the transitions, but it may break the

The workflow we've got was built out using an Atlassian provided
workflow template for standard Bugzilla and then extended with the few
extra state transitions our Bugzilla has in play. No extra work was done
to add any sort of transition requirements.

On the topic of Gerrit links, once we move to JIRA we'll also be setting
up a JIRA / Gerrit plugin link which will allow any Gerrit that
references the JIRA issue to show up on the JIRA page, in the correct
state (open, merged, abandoned). On the Gerrit side of things, we'll
modify the issue hyperlinking to appropriately find JIRA issues.

We'll finally also have the ability to make a hard requirement for
issues in commit comments, but we won't enable that (at least not at
first) we'll set it to 'SUGGESTED' which will mean that on a Gerrit
submission, it will check the commit message for JIRA issue and also
check that said issue actually exists in JIRA. If it doesn't it will
spit out a warning but not block the submission.


Andrew J Grimberg
Lead, IT Release Engineering
The Linux Foundation

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