Ikabob wrote: 
> I guess time will tell. But, I sense that LOGITECH is assuring us that
> they will remain accountable to us..... LOGITECH'S statements are on
> record..
> "This is Dudley from the Logitech UE product team......
> Logitech will continue to support these products with troubleshooting
> and support, the mysqueezebox.com website and the Squeezebox Controller
> Mobile App."

The issue is the time frame and level of support, not their good
intentions or whether they mean what they say......... now.  

Time Frame:  Technically they could shut down MySB.com tomorrow and
Dudley's statement would still be accurate because they "continued
support" for a period of time after they discontinued the SB hardware
players.  In this hypothetical and nonsensical case, a few months time
frame.  So the question is:  what is a reasonable time frame?  One year?
Two years?  Five years?  Ten years?  Every party involved (users, third
party developers, subscription services, Logitech) will all have their
own idea of a "reasonable" time frame.

Support Level:  Even if MySB.com exists five years from now, at what
level?  How often might we see outages?  How long to fix broken Apps and
services?  Service providers like Rhapsody may update their API, how
long for (any remaining) techs to update the MySB side?  What services
will even be available on MySB two years from now? 

But noone knows the answers including Logitech.  It's the great unknown
of time frame and service level that won't be answered until it happens.
The one big ace in the SB hole is the similarity between MySB.com and
UESmartRadio.com.  Being so similar it likely would not take a
monumental effort to keep MySB running & updated if they are doing the
same for UE..... for as long as UE lasts anyway.  :)

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