gruntwolla wrote: 
> ... does seem to be the best way forward to offer what the majority have
> voted for. 
> ...was obviously originally not envisaged as a competitor to the
> Squeezebox line, but fair play to them for at least coming up with an
> idea that will satisfy many people's needs, albeit at an extra cost

1) What exactly did the majority vote for?: The vote was limited to only
selecting what connectivity methods might be desirable, not selecting
how those connectivity methods would be implemented (other than with
respect to overall increased cost and overall delay with respect to the
product as a whole) - there was insufficient resolution in the voting to
allege that the majority voted for a connector box. Moreover, disclosure
by Olive regarding the the ways they might have chosen to implement a
connector box was so inadequate - because of deleted posts - that it
cannot even be said the majority were impliedly voting for a connector

2) Per the comments on indigogo they deleted, the connector box has been
on the table since a day or two after the indigogo campaign, before any
pressure from the Sqeezebox crowd manifest.

3) I am eager to replace because I've begun to play with 24/192, don't
presently own any Touches, and have recently moved into a larger home -
so need more endpoint distribution, and would like a system wherein at
least some components can facilitate 24/192.

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