AndyTwizzle wrote: 
> Just a thought... I disabled (what I thought were) unused plugins a few
> months ago. Is it possible I've disabled one (3rd party or otherwise)
> that may have prevented this bug)?

Plugins generally enable playback.  So if playback happens (albeit with
gaps)  and plugin is disabled - the plugin is unlikelyt to be related.,

Did you read the thread I referenced ?

Basically disable "natiev" playback for AAC and M4A in WebUI
Setting/Advanced/Fuiletypes (don't forget to click apply) and see if
there is a difference.

If you sync with the Squeezewbox receiver transcode will happen
automatcially so for example if you played AAC synced through both Touch
and Radio - there would be gaps.  If you played AAC through synced Touch
and Receiver - it could be gapless.

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