NE5 wrote: 
> Sorry I missed this last bit I'll do that. What sort if info will it
> give ?
If you're able to open the web interface to the server it's telling you
that the server is at least running, a quick test you can do when the
player is unable to connect.

NE5 wrote: 
> I am getting :
> Can't connect to server"
> "Left to go back, right to try again"
> Then ive tried both actions repeatedly with no success, changing the ip
> address after typing the ones shown on my LMS properties on the PC. It
> has connected twice after lots if attempts, and both times Ive turned it
> back on the following day and back to square 1.
You shouldn't have to change anything, I'd even advice against it, just
set it to automatically get IP through DCHP and then never touch it.
With a few exceptions, setting IP addresses manually gives no major
benefits and has a tendency to cause a lot of weird problems.
Another thing, I believe you said that you changed from wireless to
ethernet, did you change the configuration in the Squeezebox to use the
wired connection instead of the wireless?

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